Charlie O’Shields, the creator of Doodlewash®, author of Sketching Stuff™ books, founded World Watercolor Month in 2016. His own love of the medium led to the creation of a blog and social artist movement dedicated to promoting and connecting the vast community of watercolor artists all over the world.

After hosting a few early art challenges, celebrating various fun and delightfully obscure holidays, it became apparent that there wasn’t an official celebration of the medium we all love.

Over 18,000 applications are submitted for “official days” each year and only 30 are added to the calendar so it was a long shot, but the registrars agreed with the cause and now it’s official! July is now and forever World Watercolor Month!

It’s a month to inspire people to paint with watercolor (watercolour, aquarelle) while raising awareness for the importance of art and creativity in the world. And anyone can join the celebration from master watercolorists to artists just starting out with watercolor!

Simply tag any art that uses watercolors (or gouache) when you post on social media with #WorldWatercolorMonth during the month of July! Try the ultimate challenge of 31 watercolors in 31 days, or simply post when you can! It’s just about maintaining a regular art practice and having fun!

And, best of all, you’ll be part of raising awareness for art education and helping nurture art and creativity in children across the globe via the International Child Art Foundation!

Join The Fun!


Grab some watercolors and make a watercolor painting or sketch each day during the month (or whenever you can join in), and share your work online for others around the world to enjoy! Use the hashtag #WorldWatercolorMonth when posting your art and use it to meet other watercolor artists around the globe!

  • TAKE THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE (Optional) : 31 Watercolor Paintings in 31 Days!
  • It’s even more fun to paint with friends, so plan a picnic or sketch walk in your local city and paint outside together
  • Haven’t tried watercolor before? Give it try for the first time this month!
  • Have your kids try watercolor painting (and paint with them, of course!)
  • Support a watercolor artist you enjoy by purchasing one of their beautiful paintings or products for your home
  • Share the watercolor work of other artists you love
  • And please consider making a donation to our charitable partner: International Child Art Foundation!

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